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Bee-Friendly Planting this Spring

Bee-Friendly Planting this Spring

Planting flowers suitable for pollinators is a great way to provide them with a food source, while also beautifying your yard or patio!

Bee-Friendly Gardening Tips from Planet Bee

  1. Plant a variety of plants which bloom throughout the season to ensure forage is available to pollinators from spring through to early fall.
  2. Avoid any seeds or seedlings which are treated with pesticides.
  3. Small, clustered flowers and those with a fragrant nature are very attractive to pollinators.
  4. To attract the most honey bees, plant flowers which are yellow, orange, blue and purple but avoid red as they cannot see it and are less attracted to red blossoms.
  5. Provide a water source for bees where they can easily drink without getting their feet wet - we use an old dinner plate with some stones on it filled with shallow water and replenished frequently.
  6. Try our selection of Bee-Friendly Seed embedded products to make your planting easy whether or not you have a yard or just a balcony!